LipoMelt Pro

 You Can’t Exercise Your Way Through a Bad Diet

The LipoMelt Diet

(Click on Images to See Sample Recipes)

A permission to increase your food intake is not subject to LipoMelt Light therapy. On the opposite, the LipoMelt diet, a low starchy carbohydrate and low saturated fat diet, is suggested. This makes it possible for the kidneys, liver and lymphatic systems to eliminate the extra fat more efficiently as it is released from the fat cells.

What is the LipoMelt Diet?

Therapy with LipoMelt is the first step towards a safe lifestyle. However, unless you follow your LipoMelt sessions with a healthy long-term diet full of macronutrients, you’ll never keep the weight off. By controlling the hormone insulin, the LipoMelt Diet is intended to maintain the body in a state of hormonal equilibrium so that it stays within a safe range.

High diets of carbohydrates lead to a rise in insulin hormone to such a degree that it impairs the capacity of the body to work at peak performance. Your blood glucose rises significantly when you consume high carbohydrate foods. This causes insulin, which is required to store glucose in muscle tissue, to increase. Nevertheless, if too much glucose is produced too fast, it is stored as body fat.

The LipoMelt diet holds extra carbs away, works with your body to regulate your appetite and keep those levels of insulin under control.

Understanding Insulin 

You need to burn off fat for energy to lose the weight and hold it off. Your body produces more insulin to regulate the carbohydrates when you take in a lot of carbohydrates while avoiding the burning of fat cells for food. This causes a vicious loop in the body in which energy depends more and more on carbohydrates, leaving the fat right where you don’t want it: on you.

Another downside to having high levels of insulin is that it has the effect of rising appetite. Hypoglycemia is caused by increased blood sugar sent to the muscles, and a voracious appetite that can normally only be filled with more carbs.

The diet with LipoMelt is light in carbohydrates and rich in fats. Holding your carbohydrates at around 40% of your daily calories maintains your blood sugar steady and helps your body to work off the extra fat as fuel, so that you operate more efficiently.


Too many carbs are consumed by American citizens. The LipoMelt Diet’s goal is not to remove carbohydrates. Inside your diet, it is to place them in proper balance. Tiny quantities of carbohydrates taken from a meal are, after all, used for energy without contributing to extreme glucose spikes.

If too many carbohydrates are eaten too fast, such as in a pasta bowl or a rich dessert, the body can not absorb them without releasing huge quantities of insulin to process the glucose, preventing the body from using energy from fat cells.

It is therefore suggested that you should have a diet rich in fiber-rich carbohydrates and low in starch and sugar. For example:

Fruits:              apples, apricots, cherries, grapefruits, oranges, peaches, plums

Vegetables:      artichokes, asparagus, broccoli, cauliflower, green beans

Grains:             oatmeal, rye, wild rice

Legumes:         black beans, chick peas, kidney beans, lentils

Starches:          sweet potatoes, yams, whole grain pasta


You’ll need to start eating more protein in place of those carbohydrates you used to eat. For maintaining both a healthy balanced diet and a healthy body weight, generous amounts of protein are crucial. Muscles need to be built and repaired and are needed for attractive skin, hair and nails, as well as for hormone and enzyme production.

To maintain your lean muscle mass, the LipoMelt Diet contains the protein you will need every day. This involves lean, high-quality proteins including such low-fat cottage cheese, skinless turkey and chicken, eggs and egg whites, lean meats such as fish, and whey protein powder to help restore muscle after exercise.

If you’re going to maintain a healthy and sustainable weight, moving beyond the old carb-heavy diet you may have relied on in the past and towards a diet rich in lean proteins such as the LipoMelt Diet is critical.


We have come a long way since it was considered “bad” all fats. Today, it is understood that to stay fit, dietary fat is vital. While fried fats and hydrogenated fats should really be avoided, all natural fats, when taken in moderation, are actually very good for you.

Dietary fats are actually conducive to stimulating your metabolism. You’ll eat calories faster with a faster metabolism, and lose more weight while resting. A diet composed of 40 percent carbohydrates, 30 percent fat, and 30 percent protein, such as the LipoMelt Diet, is ideal for maintaining a healthy weight and lifestyle. Before working out, fats are also superior to carbohydrates, yet will not generate the crash effect you get from carbs.

Avocados, safflower-based mayonnaise, cold water fish such as salmon and mackerel, raw nut and nut butters, and vegetable oils such as olive, sunflower, safflower, and sesame are some excellent naturally occurring fats.

Are All Calories The Same?

Detailed response: No. of people have been counting calories for so many years as a way of losing weight. Achieving equilibrium, however, should be the aim of any diet. When considering how they influence insulin levels, the LipoMelt Diet takes the composition of the calories into account.